Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I came across this blog and thought it quite fascinating, a day to celebrate the internet


To the people who ask “why would you celebrate the web? It’s just a tool. What are you going to celebrate next, a freeway?” we at OneWebDay have this answer:

We think the Web is much more than a tool, and we don’t think it should be taken for granted. We think it makes new kinds of human collaboration (not just shopping, not just watching movies) possible, and we think the world is still at the very beginning of the Web’s history. We think of OneWebDay as a chance to remember the impact of the Web on lives around the world, and to make the Web more visible. Its health and diversity is crucial for human flourishing in the future, just like good air quality and environmental diversity are crucial.

The Web has changed more than a billion lives already. Soon it will be changing more. It’s the very first communications network whose hardware isn’t inextricably intertwined with its software; it’s the first communications network that is more like an ecology than a way to efficiently move train cars from point A to point B. It’s the most important technological phenomenon of our lifetimes, and we want to make sure that it continues to grow and change in unpredictable ways.

The Web makes it possible for a billion people around the world to, acting separately, create sources of value that are more than the sum of their parts. Very simple actions online create patterns that are complex and fascinating, and we’re planning that OneWebDay projects will allow people to do very simple things that will result in beautiful creative collaborative online “events.” We see OneWebDay as a “big tent” kind of celebration — it doesn’t have any particular political angle. It’s just a celebration.

We think the Web is transformative and important and shouldn’t be taken for granted. So that’s why we’re celebrating OneWebDay on September 22.



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