Saturday, May 20, 2006

Winter of drought’ subsidence warning

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is urging house-owners to keep an eye on their properties, as a winter of drought followed by a hot, dry summer could see their homes cracking under the strain.

Subsidence, caused by the loss of water from shrinkable subsoil, brought about by a period of high temperatures and low rainfall, is a major threat to houses built with shallow foundations. Most commonly seen in the construction of pre-1965 houses and particularly during the Edwardian and Victorian eras, shallow foundations are more susceptible to the problem of heave. This arises when a hot spell breaks and rain causes the soil to expand. The expansion is rarely uniform throughout the soil and as a result the ground experiences ‘differential heave’, which can cause buildings to move and crack.

RICS is urging people to periodically check their properties for evidence of cracking. Cracks over 3mm wide are considered to be ‘serious’ and require immediate action, especially if they pass through brickwork or stone.

RICS spokesperson Roy Ilott, said: "We, like the insurance companies, are expecting to see a rise in the incidence of subsidence. Finding the cracks and notifying your insurance company can be the easy part – rectifying the problem can be very complex, costly and disruptive to the household."

"House owners should be prepared for delays as premature action can cause further problems and insurers will usually want to monitor walls for a season to assess a pattern."

Action to permanently correct subsidence is drastic and involves the deepening of the foundations in a process known as underpinning. The mere fact that a house has been underpinned can cause problems when the owner comes to sell, unless it has been carried out by a reputable building company.

Partial underpinning of a property or block of properties, so that the underpinning is on a different soil area, can exacerbate the problem as the remainder of the block or house may be adversely affected by future adjustments.

On finding a crack, householders should immediately notify their insurance company, or their landlord, and make a claim. However, the process can become stressful as the claim may well involve many parties – the insurer, the owner, the loss adjuster (whose job it is to abate the process in favour of the insurer), a building surveyor or engineer, and the building contractor.

"Our experience is that because it is such a slow process there can appear to be little co-ordination between all the parties and owners often feel they are ‘piggy in the middle’. We would advise them to step back and let the experts get on with the job," added Roy Ilott.

Subsidence – the underlying facts

Things which exacerbate the problem include:

An increase in paved areas, causing a reduction in the amount of water percolating into the subsoil.

Fractured drains, which can either allow water to saturate the ground causing it to heave or can wash out the fine particles in the soil making the problem worse.

Trees close to houses are also a threat as they take water from the soil through their roots and exacerbate any shrinkage caused by hot temperatures.

Insurance is only there to remedy damage already done, it will not cover the costs of preventing further damage occurring.

If owners choose not to underpin their property, they will not be required to have remedial works signed-off by building regulations and therefore when they come to sell their property it will not show up on any future searches made on the property. In June 2007, when the Government launches the Home Information Pack, this situation will change as people will be expected to declare all building works undertaken on a property during their ownership.

To help members of the public deal with the issues associated with subsidence, RICS has produced a free brochure entitled: ‘What to do when the earth moves’. It is available from the RICS contact centre, telephone 0870 333 1600.


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