Monday, June 26, 2006

Kids and building sites don’t mix

Construction sites are stimulating places to play, but they are not playgrounds and playing on them can have fatal consequences, warns the Health and Safety Executive as the summer holidays approach.

Parents, self builders and construction site workers all have a part to play in ensuring children stay away from building sites and surrounding land.

"Long summer evenings are a time for fun and adventure, unfortunately, all too often it can also be a time of tragedy", said Stephen Williams, chief inspector of construction at the Health and Safety Executive.

"Understandably some children are drawn to construction sites as exciting places to play, but they are not playgrounds and playing on them can have fatal consequences. Industry and parents need to work together to ensure children's safety."

Between 2001/02 and 2004/05, 3 children died and 235 were injured during construction works, in most cases simple precautions would have prevented the incidents ever happening.

A child swinging on a rope, hanging from a tree, on a construction site fell from the rope and landed on a metal bar sticking up from concrete. Workers on the site had noticed the rope; realised local children had used it as a swing for much of the summer, but had done nothing about it.

The following practical advice for parents and workers will help keep children safe this summer:

Warn children against playing in dangerous areas, including building sites
Make sure you know where your children are going, and when they will be back
Encourage them to play only in safe areas such as playgrounds
Workers should watch out for children playing around sites, if you see children, stop work and make sure they are off site before you begin again
Lay heavy objects on the ground or fix them firmly upright so they cannot fall onto children and injure them
Secure sites adequately when finishing work for the day
Never allow children to ride in construction plant machinery.


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