Wednesday, September 27, 2006

600-home urban village gets green light

Stroud Council has given the go ahead for a 600-home urban village in Gloucestershire, subject to planning agreements.

The sustainable urban community, called the Littlecombe development will reinvigorate the former Lister Petter headquarters - a previously industrial area - creating an exciting mixed-use scheme offering 600 homes, with 30% available as affordable housing, a business park, offices and on-site community facilities to cater for residents.

The buildings will be designed to cause minimal environmental impact both during construction and once in use. The overall aim is to reduce standard property CO2 emissions by 30% throughout the site, and cutting-edge solutions being considered include biomass district heating systems, solar panels and rainwater harvesting.

Chris Foley, South West RDA head of operations for Gloucestershire said: "Great attention is being paid to creating a high quality scheme that complements the existing landscape.”

“A key feature on the site will be the River Cam which, once opened up, will run the length of the site creating a striking riverside environment offering public open spaces for community and recreational use."

The first phase of earthworks started on site in March 2006 to form the development plateau for the business park.

Joint development partners the South West of England Regional Development Agency (RDA) and St. Modwen Developments Ltd, are now working with Stroud District and Gloucestershire County Councils to confirm details of additional contributions they will make to the local community. It is understood the Section 106 agreement for the development have been agreed and are now waiting to be legally formalised.


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