Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Little Hampshire town set for 8,000 new homes

Up to 8,000 new homes could be built on land sold by the Ministry of Defence when the Army leaves the little town of Bordon in north east Hampshire.

For almost three years the Whitehill/Bordon Opportunity Group, made up of town, district and county councils, the MOD and government agencies have been developing a masterplan for the town.

The aim of the plan is to create a more sustainable future for the town by building a better mix of housing to attract investment for a new town centre, shops and leisure facilities.

Now the MoD has confirmed that up to 150 hectares of land it owns in Bordon will be privately sold after 1,800 military and civilian staff and students leave the town in 2011, which will now become the focus for regeneration efforts in the town.

The removal of the army garrison will mean job losses in the town and now revelations that not all of the land released is brownfield and indeed may be sold off piecemeal has sparked a great deal of public interest. Nevertheless, the army is going and many new homes are set for the area.

Ferris Cowper, leader of East Hampshire District Council, said: "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to develop the town in a way that meets the needs of residents and creates a sustainable future for the area."


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