Thursday, March 15, 2007

Young look abroad to get on property ladder

New figures reveal the emergence of BARBies (Buying Abroad, Renting in Britain)...

High property prices in the UK, a fear of rising interest rates and stamp duty are driving young people to look at buying property abroad, according to a new survey by Hiscox, the specialist insurer. Almost 40% of young people would consider buying abroad as a first step to getting on the property ladder.

Overall, 88% of people say excessive house prices are the main barrier to buying in the UK with this figure rising to 97% among 18-24 year olds. Two thirds (65%) of respondents quoted rising interest rates as a barrier; 58% stamp duty; and 36% felt the whole process is too long and complicated in the UK. Almost a third (29%) had real concerns the housing market would crash in the next couple of years.

Indicating the emergence of a new social group for the Noughties - the BARBies (Buying Abroad, Renting in Britain) – the survey found that over a third of people (35%) fear they will never be able to afford a house in the UK, and more than a quarter (27%) of these would consider buying abroad just to get themselves on the first rung of the property ladder.

Worried BARBies
Young people under 35 are the most anxious about their failure to get on the housing ladder, with 37% worried that they will never become a UK home owner. People living in London and the East Midlands are the most worried of any region (21% and 24% respectively).

BARBies are primarily seeking good investment potential. Three quarters (74%) now see buying abroad as a more affordable option and among 18-24 year olds this percentage increases to 84%. Other perceived advantages of buying abroad include a better rental income than the UK (48%) and a simpler purchasing process (27%), not to mention the fact that they might be able to combine renting with using the property as a holiday home (70%).

Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the relative cost of living, non home owners currently living in the South East are most likely to be thinking of buying overseas property as an investment (38%). In the battle of the sexes, men are much more likely than women to consider this option (33% compared with 22%).

Steve Langan, UK Managing Director at Hiscox, commented: “More young people than ever before are finding their route into the UK property market blocked and are turning to overseas property investment as a more affordable and potentially lucrative investment option. In the 1980s, Yuppies started to push UK property prices up and the signs are that twenty years later the BARBies could do the same for property prices abroad. We’re already insuring thousands of homes abroad and we are seeing a strong rise in the number of foreign properties being bought: our client base more than doubled in the past year alone.”


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