Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Department of Health has published public health information for people travelling to countries affected by bird flu.

The leaflet and website provides guidance on how to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus in a country affected by an outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza, the symptoms of infection and what to do if a person thinks they may have been infected.

Advice includes
do not visit bird or poultry farms and markets

avoid close contact with live or dead poultry

do not eat raw or poorly-cooked poultry or poultry products, including blood

wash your hands frequently with soap and water

Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer said: "The information we are distributing today is to make sure that people travelling to countries affected by H5N1 have up-to-date health advice."

"H5N1 avian influenza is predominantly a disease of birds. The virus does not pass easily from birds to people and has not yet been shown to pass from person to person. Where people have been infected, it was as a result of close contact with infected poultry or birds. The virus has caused severe disease and a high proportion of people have died."

"H5N1 infections have not been reported in this country, but it is important that travellers from the UK have clear factual information to assist them."

If you have been in contact with live or dead poultry in an affected country be aware of the symptoms of bird flu in humans. They are similar to ordinary flu symptoms and can appear suddenly. They may include:

a fever (temperature of 38°C or more)


shortness of breath


sore throat

sore eyes

muscle aches.

If you have these symptoms whilst abroad and have been in close contact with live or dead poultry you should seek medical advice locally.

If you are travelling from an area affected by bird flu and have had contact with live or dead poultry and have the above symptoms within seven days of your return, then seek immediate medical attention.

The leaflet will be available from GP surgeries, health centres, and English air and sea ports and is also available from the Department of Health website:


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