Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lawyers are latest suspects in Marbella scandal - Oh Dear, this is now getting very serious

MARBELLA — Six lawyers from a Madrid firm appeared in court in connection with their alleged involvement with the EUR 2.4 billion corruption scandal involving Marbella city council.

The lawyers, who work for Sanchez Zubizarreta-Soriano Pastor, are accused of playing a part in the corruption ring led by the mayor of Marbella and the head of urban planning.

Earlier, the judge detained the businesswoman Monserrat Corulla in custody.

This brought the number of people in custody in connection with the scam to seven.

Last week, police launched a major operation to break up the web of civic corruption centred on Marbella but which also has links to Madrid and Murcia.

Twenty-three people were detained for alleged trafficking of favours, bribery and fraud involving a total sum of EUR 2.4 bn.

Police have seized hundreds of thousands of euros of cash, at lest 100 thoroughbred horses, valuable works of art, a helicopter, luxury cars and homes which were the alleged fruits of the scam related to property.

Corrupt council officials were said to have granted permission for illegal building projects in return for payments and favours from developers.

Juan Antonio Roca, the head of urban planning, was said to be the 'brains' behind the scam.

The head of the local police in Marbella, Rafael del Pozo, is also to appear in court on Wednesday after it was alleged he may also have played a role in the scandal.


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