Thursday, April 13, 2006


The findings of a report demonstrate that UK residents living and working in Spain lead more satisfying lives, with less stress and more free time, despite working longer hours than in the UK.

The report commissioned by Spanish property developer Lar Sol, shows that Britons find the process of purchasing of a house on the Costas ’much easier’ than in UK, particularly for investors. It also finds over 50 per cent of people who had invested in property in Spain would reinvest their profit in Spain.

Katy Katani, international sales coordinator for Lar Sol explains, “Spain’s economy is booming, growing at twice the rate of its European neighbours. This surge has been fuelled by low interest rates and an unprecedented demand for property. The government is taking several steps to ensure this continues, by introducing cuts in income tax and corporate tax, by planning to reduce the number of tax bands on Spanish property and to eradicate income taxes on mortgages. When you consider these new measures alongside the obvious lifestyle reasons for moving to Spain. Its climate, lower of cost of living, better quality of life, it is not surprising that so many people are choosing to leave the UK to live and work in Spain.”

Britain is in danger of losing its best entrepreneurs to Spain, the report claims. Increasing numbers of UK citizens are actively emigrating to Spain to set up their own businesses or to find work. Last year, 30,346 British citizens signed working contracts in Spain and the country remains the most popular place for Britons to move to. Research shows that Spain is the first option for one in three Britons planning to buy or move abroad this year. A large proportion of these people are expected to set up successful businesses in Spain, fuelling further growth in the economy.

Katy continues, “British people like to buy from British people and as more and more Britons move to Spain, they are creating a sustainable network of potential clients for British businesspeople. The problem from a UK point of view is that while so many Britons are enjoying huge success in Spain, the UK is at risk of losing some of its best entrepreneurs as they seek a more satisfying life in the sun.”

Lar Sol´s report was conducted by Hamilton Research among 394 Britons already owning or considering buying property on the Costa del Sol.

new sky news 13-04-06


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