Friday, March 16, 2007

Separate bedroom trend explained

New scientifically-driven research has put a question mark over claims, in recently-published research, that snoring and busy lifestyles are forcing couples to seek separate bedrooms.

One in five Britons say that, given the option, they would choose to have a separate bedroom from their partner, according to data collected by PARSHIP’s scientific assessment of more than 600,000 Europeans. But this growing trend isn’t being driven by sleepless nights; it’s more a matter of psychology.

Millions of single people across Europe have completed the dating firm’s propriety psychometric test to assess compatibility in relationships. 22% of Britons and 21% of their European counterparts said that, if they shared a two-bedroom apartment with their partner, they would prefer to have their own room – although they would want at least one of the bedrooms to offer the option of spending the night together. The vast majority, 78%, claimed a shared bedroom would be a must in their relationship

Dr Victoria Lukats, psychiatrist and the firm’s relationship expert says it's a person’s need for their own personal space that's driving this trend.

“Although a snoring partner, hectic lifestyle and children will certainly cause sleeplessness for many couples,” she said, “the truth is that none of these appear to be the main issue in couple’s decision to opt for separate rooms. In actual fact, one fifth of people have such a marked need for their own personal space that sharing a bedroom could be a real turn-off.”

“In contrast, other people have a high need for personal intimacy and want to share everything with their partner.”

“What we do know, is when two people differ widely in their need for intimacy, then there is likely to be conflict at some point in the relationship. That’s why a high degree of compatibility between two people is so important if the relationship is to last.”

Faye Rowe, editor of, a site for people going through a divorce or separation, believes that these statistics are worrying.

She said: “Our own research shows that one in five British marriages is currently on the rocks and 22% of people say that a lack of sex and intimacy are the main reason for their relationship breakdown.”

“If you still have a healthy sex life, even though you sleep apart, then that’s all well and good but, for many people, sharing a bed is an important part of being a couple – and potentially it could even save your relationship.”


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